Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Shall I compare thee to a winters night?

     I can say that the transition of seasons has always been present in my life. Of course, everyone feels this to some extent, controlling their ability to wear shorts or go skiing. I found I classify different feelings with each season, hold different memories and acquire different moods. Almost everyone has a favorite season for whatever reason, but I find them a great example of positive change. Their diversity is good for not only me, but the world. Each season calls for new adaption, the plants and animals that had been hiding away all winter are able to blossom and reproduce in the next seasons. The thing I love about seasons is how they are constant. If it's been a rough winter, at least you know spring will come and eventually summer. Rainy days can't last forever (well debatable if you live in Oregon). Its one of these prebuilt schedules, like day and night. Weather, something people consider one of the most unpredictable things, is a major part in seasons that are completely predictable.

      With seasons being one of these super prominent things in our lives, its no doubtfully one of the most resourced things in creativity. I urge you to try listening to the top 40 radio for an hour this time of year and not hearing a single lyric about 'endless sun summer party all night long'. Even turn it to the classical station and a powerful and beautiful melody that was composed to remind you of summer by Vivadis Four Seasons concerto. Kind of like them, we cannot hide from the inspiring, referring and personifying of seasons everywhere.
      My favorite literary example of this is the classic Great Gatsby. Even with the last time I read this book being freshmen year, found the changing of seasons extremely relevant. Maybe this is partially because of the widely spread time lapse of the book, but it definitely was done with a purpose. The story starts at the beginning of Summer. I think this was done to show a fresh new start, just like the newly bloomed flowers. The summer is like how Gatsby is feeling, new and hopeful for his relation with Daisy. As the few months of summer ellaspse, so does their relationship. The peak of summer would be his dreams of being with Daisy coming true. They both feel this summer has brought them brand new feelings for each other and feels like some kind of fantasy. But as summer comes to an end, a sense of reality comes back and results in a kind of downfall. Gatsbys relation with Daisy begins to fall apart and the story continues. For Gatsby, Summer played the part of "the fall". The only thing on his mind was fulfilling his love interest, all of his darkness and secrets seemed to simply not exist and wouldn't cause a problem then. This is a theme that's been explored before, a time obsolete to the rest of the year where the possibilities seem new and endless. Summer is a time of peace and comfort, contrasting to harsher weathers of other seasons. In chapter 20 Thomas C. Foster often nods to Shakespeare's constant use of seasons. The one that comes to my mind is sonnet 18 his famous personification, "Shall I compare thee to a summers day?" Sounds lovely, doesn't it? I'm sure she was flattered.
                                                      summer lovin, happened so fast! 

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